Sunday, June 14, 2015


 Five years ago I was at Patna Railway Station where I saw a large number of posters exhorting passengers not to consume anything from unknown persons.

I purchased a ticket for an express train for Mughalsarai but had to board a local train since there was too much rush in general compartments of express trains.

The local became very late due to frequent overtaking by express trains. I ran out of water at a small station where the train stopped for more than half hour since two express trains overtook us in continuation. I became very thirsty and decided to drink water from the hand pipe. But Alas! All the hand pipes at the station were dry. I was restlessly searching for water. One Dhoti clad dark complexioned man, in his fifties, offered to help me. He fetched water in my pot from a 200-meter distant place. I was about to drink water out of severe thirst. Then incidentally my eyes glanced at a poster exhorting to be aware of Nashakhurani gangs.
My sixth sense got alert at once, and I just touched the pot with my lips but only feigned to take water. The impostor of Santa Clause had suspicious body language. He went out of the compartment for a short while; I took advantage of this opportunity and changed the compartment. The black sheep came searching for me restlessly within ten minutes and asked,” Sahab, why have you changed compartment?” I made some lame excuses; the thug was astonished to see me in senses and departed in a flustered state.

Indeed, the large numbers of posters, making public aware of Nashakhurani gangs saved me and I reached Mugalsarai safe after completing the journey of 212 Kilometers in ten hours.

Wise men exhort writing our goals and pasting it at a conspicuous place (e.g. mirror). This shows our unflinching commitment towards our goals and also stalls our minds from forgetting them. Try it for reaping a good harvest.

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