Sunday, December 27, 2015


Indian Railways runs 12617 passenger trains daily.  Every train reaches its destination safely. Does any TV channel telecast their safe arrival? No

100,000 flights fly all over the world. Millions of passengers board them and reach their destinations hail and hearty. Does any newspaper publish their safe arrival on the front page? Again a big No.

Why? Why media does not care for safe arrivals of airplanes and make them news items. Because the pleasant news is abundantly found everywhere. There are only 4.03 fatalities per million hours in airline flights.
My one colleague worked at Bettia.We seldom heard about him as long as he was okay.  On one black day, he died in a     train accident. The Police dialed last called number of his mobile to inform his sad demise. The sad news spread like a    forest fire.
We mortal human beings have an awful habit of apprehending dangerous things, though they happen rarely. 
Therefore, transmit “ NO NEWS IS GOOD NEWS” in your subconscious mind, by constant repetition, to counter our silly habit of apprehending bad omens. 

Thursday, October 29, 2015

वृद्धाश्रम या वृद्धमोहल्ला

बुढ़ापा  शेष  अन्य  चीजों  जैसा  ही  है , इसे  सफल  बनाने  के  लिये  आपको जवानी  में  ही  शुरुआत  करनी  पड़ती  है। --- थिओडोर  रूज़वेल्ट 

आजकल सोशल-मीडिया पर वृद्धाश्रम पर अत्यन्त भावनात्मक लेख पोस्ट किये जा रहे हैं, जिन्हें पढ़कर कलेजा मुँह को आ जाता है। यह एक बड़ी विडंबना है कि सोशल मीडिया पर भावनात्मक लेख लिखने वाले कुछ लोग अपनी वास्तविक जिंदगी में ठीक उसका उल्टा करते हैं। कुछ लोगों को तो  मैं अच्छी  तरह से  जानता हूँ , लेकिन नाम बताने की हिम्मत तो मे्रे पुरखे भी नहीं कर पाएंगे। इसमें अन्यथा लेने वाली कोई  बात भी  नहीं है क्योंकि ,"मुख में राम बगल में छुरी"वाली कहावत तो कोई नई  नहीं है।

ऐसे देखा जाए तो हमलोग भी वृद्ध-मोहल्ले में रहते हैं। हमारे मोहल्ले में अधिकांश युवक बंगलुरु या अन्य  बड़े शहरों  में काम करते हैं और उनके माँ-बाप यहाँ अकेले रहते हैं। कई बार बच्चे जिद करके हमें अपने साथ ले जाते हैं , लेकिन कुछ दिन बाद भागकर हमलोग फिर बैंकर्स कॉलोनी, मुजफ्फरपुर आ जाते हैं, क्योंकि वहां हमारा मन ही नहीं लगता है। ईश्वर की असीम कृपा से हमलोगों को बच्चों पर आश्रित नहीं रहना पड़ता है, लेकिन प्रौढ़ अवस्था या बुढ़ापा अकेले बिताना भी काफी चुनौतीपूर्ण कार्य है।

लोग प्रायः कहते हैं कि माँ-बाप बच्चों की इतने शौक से परवरिश करते हैं, लेकिन बच्चे अपने माँ-बाप को दूध की मक्खी की तरह निकाल फेंकते हैं। वस्तुतः बच्चे इतने मनोहर होते हैं कि लोग दूसरों के बच्चों से खेलने में भी आनंदित हो जाते हैं। कोई बच्चा आपको देखकर जबरदस्ती सम्मान नहीं मांगता है और न ही वह आपसे  किसी की शिकायत करता है, वह सिर्फ आपको देखकर हँसता-मुस्कराता है। मेरे पड़ोस की बच्ची जब भी मुझे देखती है, हँसते हुए मेरी तरफ दौड़ती है, मैं भी उसे गोद में उठाकर प्यार करता हूँ और थोड़ी देर के लिए अपना तनाव भूल जाता हूँ। वस्तुतः बच्चे अपने-आपको इतना हल्का बना लेते हैं कि हर कोई उन्हें उठा लेता है। वे अपने माँ-बाप को कभी यह नहीं कहते कि आपने मुझे पैदा किया है तो आपको मेरा लालन-पालन करना ही पड़ेगा। अर्थात वे अपना अधिकार नहीं मांगते हैं, बल्कि अपनी प्यारी छवि से सब काम करा लेते हैं।

 मेरे मित्र अरुण जी के पिता जी अत्यंत बूढ़े थे, जब भी मैं अरुण जी से मिलने जाता था, चाचा जी के लिए पान लेकर जाता था, क्योंकि वे पान के बहुत शौक़ीन थे  और  बहुत खुश होते थे, थोड़ी देर मैं उनके पास बैठकर बात करता था। वे मेरे परिवार के सदस्यों के कुशल-क्षेम पूछते थे।  कभी भी उन्होंने अपने बेटे या बहू की  शिकायत नहीं की। अगर शिकायत करते तो शायद मैं उनके पास बैठ भी नहीं पाता। कभी उनके बच्चों या बहू ने भी उनकी शिकायत नहीं की। यद्पि बुढ़ापा काफी कष्टकारी होता है, फिर भी उन्होंने अपने मन में दूसरों के प्रति खटास नहीं पाली और काफी संतुष्टि के साथ इस संसार को अलविदा कहा। मैं ऐसे बुजुर्गों को भी जानता हूँ , जो हर बात में मीन-मेख निकाल कर न सिर्फ अपनी जिंदगी नरक बना लेते हैं, बल्कि पूरे परिवार के लिए भारी मुसीबत बन जाते हैं।
मुझे तो श्रवण कुमार की कहानी पढ़कर बड़ा अटपटा लगता है। श्रवण कुमार माँ-बाप की भक्ति के लिए आदर्श थे। आदर्श तो लाखों में एक होता है तभी उसकी उपमा दी जाती है, अगर श्रवण कुमार लाखों में एक थे तो तब शेष बच्चे कैसे थे ? और क्यों  वर्षों  से  यह  कहावत चली  आ  रही  है  कि  बाप  बनकर  कोई  किसी  से  कुछ  नहीं  ले  सकता  है। 

 बेवफाई एक शाश्वत सत्य है।  अपने शरीर से ज्यादा प्यारा कौन हो सकता है, बचपन से इसका हम कितना ख्याल रखते हैं, बढ़िया से बढ़िया भोजन कराते हैं, सुन्दर वस्त्र पहनाते हैं, इत्र, क्रीम और महंगे साबुन लगाते हैं, लेकिन सबसे ज्यादा कष्ट भी हमें अपना शरीर ही देता है।अनेक प्रकार की बीमारियों को पालकर शरीर  हमें कष्ट देता है और  बुढ़ापे में  भी  साथ नहीं  देता है। एक दिन तो  यह पूरी तरह जवाब दे देता है।

   ईसा मसीह ने दस कोढ़ियों को ठीक कर दिया, उनमें से सिर्फ एक उन्हें धन्यवाद देने आया, शेष नौ ने इस  छोटी  सी  औपचारिकता  को  निभाना भी उचीत नहीं समझा। तात्पर्य यह है कि यह निर्मम संसार युगों-युगों से ऐसा ही है और ऐसा ही रहेगा। बेहतर है कि इस संसार के अनुसार हम अपने-आप को ढाल लें। 
 बिंदास जीने का नाम ही जीवन है।  अतः बच्चों के साथ रहें, वृद्धाश्रम में या वृद्धमोहल्ले में रहें, अपने अस्तित्व से दूसरों को खुश रखें, उनपर कम से कम बोझ बनें और बिंदास जियें।

Saturday, October 17, 2015

मानसिक वार्तालाप है आपका भाग्य विधाता?

अधिकांश  मनुष्यों  के  मनो -मस्तिष्क  में  जारी  स्वचालित संवाद न केवल उनके   व्यक्तित्व  बल्कि उनके भाग्य  को  भी  चुपके-चुपके  बदल  देती  है। 

नकारात्मक  मानसिक  वार्तालाप  काल्पनिक  होने  के  बावजूद  हमें तनाव से भर देते  हैं। 

 पंचतंत्र  की  कहानियों  में  एक  कंजूस  भिक्षुक की  कहानी  है;  वह  भिक्षा  से  प्राप्त तैयार  अनाज  में  से  थोड़ा  खाकर  शेष  मिट्टी  के घड़े  में  जमा  कर  लेता था।  एक  दिन  उसका  घड़ा  भर  गया  और वह अत्यंत  खुश  होकर काल्पनिक  खीर पकाने  लगा। 

 कल्पना में उसकी  शादी  एक  खूबसूरत और कुलीन कन्या से  हुई  और  उसे  एक  सुन्दर और  मनोहर  पुत्र-रत्न  की भी  प्राप्ति  हुई। पुत्र -प्यार  में   एक दिन  धर्मपत्नी  से  उसका झगड़ा  हो  गया और अत्यंत गुस्से  में आकर ब्राह्मण  देवता  ने  अपनी  अर्धांगिनी  को जोर  से  एक लात  मारा, लेकिन  अफ़सोस , उसकी  लात  सचमुच  चल गयी  और  जोर  से  मिट्टी  के  घड़े  पर  लग गयी।  ढप  की आवाज  के  साथ घड़ा  टुकड़े-टुकड़े  हो गया। उसमें  रखा सारा  तैयार  अनाज  तहस-नहस हो गया। बेचारे  गरीब ब्राह्मण  देवता  की वर्षों  की  जमा-पूँजी  एक  क्षण  मिट्टी  में  मिल  गयी। 

एक  बार एक मित्र से मेरा  भीषण झगड़ा  हो  गया; मैनें  भी उसे  सबक  सिखाने की  ठान  ली। मैं  हमेशा  योजना  बनाता  रहता  था  कि  कैसे  उससे  बदला  लूंगा ; कैसे  उसको  नाकों  चने  चबवाऊंगा  आदि  आदि।  इस  बीच  मेरा  ब्लड  प्रेशर  120 /80 से  बढ़कर  120 /95  हो  गया। मैं  अपने  चिकित्सक  से  मिलने  ही  जा  रहा  था , लेकिन  सौभाग्यवश  इसी  बीच  अपने  मित्र  से  मेरा समझौता  हो  गया।  मुझे  प्रतीत  हुआ  कि  मेरे  सिर  से  टनों  बोझ  उतर  गया है और  अगले  दिन  मेरा  ब्लड  प्रेशर पुनः   120 /80 हो  गया। 

 महात्मा  गांधी  कहते  थे , "शत्रुओं  से प्यार  करो। " वस्तुतः  इसमें  अपना  ही  भला  है  क्योंकि  शत्रुओं  के  लिए  हमारे  मन  में  जो  नफरत , घृणा  और  द्वेष   की  आग  जलती  रहती  है , उसमें  उनसे  ज्यादा  खुद  हम  ही  जलते  हैं।  अतः जब  मुझे  किसी  पर  गुस्सा  आता  है  तो  मैं  ईश्वर  से  उसे  सदबुद्धि और  अच्छे  कार्यों  में  सफलता  देने  के  लिए  प्रार्थना  करता  हूँ  या  कोई  स्लोगन  मन  ही  मन  दोहराता  हूँ।  (मेरे  सारे  लेखों  के शीर्षक  स्लोगन  का  काम  करते  हैं। ) अतः मैं  अपने  विरोधी  के  प्रति  घृणा  और  द्वेष भरे  विचार  के  चिंतन  से  प्रायः  बच  जाता  हूँ  और अपना  मानसिक  संतुलन  सही  रखता हूँ। लेकिन  गलत  लोगों  को  उचित  समय  पर  प्यार  से  उनकी  गलती  का एहसास  भी  जरूर  करा  देता  हूँ।  
कृपया  मेरा  लेख  'इंसान  या  सामान ' भी  पढ़ें। 

Saturday, October 10, 2015


 A smart young man was searching a perfect bride; after making marathon efforts he found one, but alas, the poor chap was not a perfect groom in the girl's eyes.
    Even Shri Ram, and Shri Krishna had weaknesses. Shri Ram killed Bali by hiding. Shri Krishna had to flee from a fight. Therefore he is lovingly called Ranchhor too.
Hitler was a charismatic personality, a great orator, hard working honest leader as well as a visionary. He led  Germany successfully in the great depression. He worked wholeheartedly for his country.
 Hitler had the capability of becoming a historic personality but his hatred, against Jews, gays, etc., caused large-scale genocide. He became responsible for killing 5.5 million Jews and many million others. So despite all his talents, he is branded the biggest villain in the world.
None is perfect. Let's adjust and work with imperfect human beings.  Mahatma Gandhi fought freedom struggle successfully with illiterate masses. Shri Ram killed Ravan and captured Shri Lanka with the army of monkeys.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


I like "multi-".....multiplicity, multicultural, multiplication etc. Any contribution to diversification and value augmentation is achievement.
--- Rossana Condoleo

If you manage your multitasking, you will be much more effective than if you simply hop from project to project without driving them to completion.

--- Mitch Thrower

Napoleon Hill advocated having a definite chief aim in his bestseller “Law of Success." I wondered how a man could have only one aim.
 We have many targets to achieve i.e. good education for children, own house, good health, own car, happy family life, sufficient money, etc. So having a definite chief aim has always been a mystery to me. I also read Peter Drucker's ”Management by objectives."
   After pondering much, I concluded the following.
If one has a definite chief aim of becoming a multimillionaire, one must have many other short term and medium term goals such as earning a targetted high income by synergizing efforts, saving and investing with time bound plans, etc.
If we have a definite chief aim of making our country richest and strongest, we must have many other short term and medium term goals of population control, educating masses, nurturing talents, increasing exports, decreasing imports, etc.
Therefore one definite chief aim must have hosts of subsidiary goals, and we must work to achieve them with strict time bound plans.
 Thus, multitasking is not only essential but mandatory also.
 Our body also does multitasking of purifying the blood, digesting food, fighting diseases, inhaling air, etc. to achieve the definite chief aim of maintaining a good and robust health.
Just imagine what will happen if our body insists on one task at a time.

Friday, September 18, 2015


Lord Shrikrishna preached in holy Bhagwad Gita," For one who remembers Me without deviation, I am easy to obtain." He did not exhort to remember his name on mere Krishnashtmi or any other auspicious day. Lord urged to remember his name continuously and without any deviation.

Continuous practice is the secret of success in all fields. One must not only repeat, repeat and repeat but also practice, practice, and practice. If one aspires to inculcate a healthy habit, one must read it, repeat it and practice it. Benjamin Franklin used to choose one good habit and practiced it for one week. He picked another good activity in the next week and practiced the same for another week. He did so till that good habit became his reflex action.
Therefore if you like any article of our lovely blog "" Don't be satisfied by mere reading it once. Save that creation in the bookmark to read and repeat it time and again. Make your password with initials of that article in combination with numerical and special characters. Repeat it time and again while doing the morning walk. Repeat it time and again while doing other chores.Don't leave it unless and until it becomes part of your subconscious.
Thus anyone can achieve immense success and happiness.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Lost time is never found again.
- Benjamin Franklin.
“The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot." -”
-  Michael Altshuler

The great people such as Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Leo Tolstoy, Jawahar Lal Nehru had only 24 hours a day, but they used their 24 hours efficiently and effectively to achieve greatness.

 The great scientists such as Thomas Edison, Homi Jahangir Bhabha, APJ Abdul Kalam had only 24 hours a day, but they used their 24 hours efficiently and effectively to achieve greatness.

The great industrialist such as Bill Gate, Marc Juberg, Dhiru Bhai Ambani, Jamshedji Nusserwanji Tata had only 24 hours a day, but they used their 24 hours efficiently and effectively to achieve greatness.
Let's treat each and every second diamond chip and invest in such a way that it gives fantastic results towards the achievement of our coveted goals.

Sunday, June 28, 2015


Once I decided to impress my better half, and I asked her to mention any date from the calendar of 2014. Madam spoke a few dates; I promptly told the related days. She was much impressed. I, then, suggested her to read my article," Remember Calendar of 3 years."

 One Sunday, I was going to association office in haste. Madam was chatting with her friend. She suddenly asked me on which day the 17th September 2015 falls. I was preoccupied to reach association office in time. Therefore I had two options.

 I would have politely told her that this calculation will take a little time, and I have to reach office in time. So I shall give the test later on. Alternatively, I would have calculated it coolly.

 The Key for September 17, 2015, is 1. So by adding 17 and one we get 18 and by dividing 18 by 7, we get remainder 4. So the day is Thursday. But I calculated wrongly in haste and replied,"Friday."
I left for association office hurriedly. However, I realized my mistake within few minutes on my way.
Later on, I told Madam about the error. She was deeply disappointed since all this happened before her friend.
The habit of doing things perfectly saves our time and keeps us tension free since we don't have the discomfort of doing it again with a self-reproach. 
Following age old proverbs also testify my contention.
जल्दीबाजी  का  काम  शैतान  का 

Saturday, June 20, 2015


There are many shortcuts to failure, but there are no shortcuts to true success.
--- Orrin Woodward
Shortcuts make long delays.
--- J.R.R. Tolkien.
We all naturally want to become successful. We also want to take shortcuts. And it's easy to do so, but we can never take away the effort of hard work and discipline and sacrifice.
--- Apolo Ohno.
Champions know there are no shortcuts to the top. They climb the mountain one step at a time. They have no use of helicopters!
--- Judi Adler.
God didn't adopt shortcuts while creating this beautiful world. He created mouth-watering fruits, beautiful scenery, large oceans, breathtaking mountains, kind and compassionate human beings.
Attribution: By Daniel Schwen (Own work)[CC BY SA 4.0 (http//

   All the beautiful creation by human beings such as Tajmahal, Eiffel Tower, Great Wall of China, Statue of Liberty etc are result of careful hard work with unbelievable patience and perseverance.
 We must avoid shortcuts at all places.
  Diligence, patience and perseverance is always followed by stupendous and long lasting success.

Sunday, June 14, 2015


 Five years ago I was at Patna Railway Station where I saw a large number of posters exhorting passengers not to consume anything from unknown persons.

I purchased a ticket for an express train for Mughalsarai but had to board a local train since there was too much rush in general compartments of express trains.

The local became very late due to frequent overtaking by express trains. I ran out of water at a small station where the train stopped for more than half hour since two express trains overtook us in continuation. I became very thirsty and decided to drink water from the hand pipe. But Alas! All the hand pipes at the station were dry. I was restlessly searching for water. One Dhoti clad dark complexioned man, in his fifties, offered to help me. He fetched water in my pot from a 200-meter distant place. I was about to drink water out of severe thirst. Then incidentally my eyes glanced at a poster exhorting to be aware of Nashakhurani gangs.
My sixth sense got alert at once, and I just touched the pot with my lips but only feigned to take water. The impostor of Santa Clause had suspicious body language. He went out of the compartment for a short while; I took advantage of this opportunity and changed the compartment. The black sheep came searching for me restlessly within ten minutes and asked,” Sahab, why have you changed compartment?” I made some lame excuses; the thug was astonished to see me in senses and departed in a flustered state.

Indeed, the large numbers of posters, making public aware of Nashakhurani gangs saved me and I reached Mugalsarai safe after completing the journey of 212 Kilometers in ten hours.

Wise men exhort writing our goals and pasting it at a conspicuous place (e.g. mirror). This shows our unflinching commitment towards our goals and also stalls our minds from forgetting them. Try it for reaping a good harvest.

Monday, June 8, 2015


I was with my elder son for ten days in Bangalore. We went to Pondicherry and enjoyed the clean and beautiful city. He took all cares of his mother and me.

I remembered his childhood days. How I used to punish him due to my frustrations and depressions earned in office. I was thinking with self-reproach,” Was it proper to punish a small child on a little pretext to ventilate frustrations of my workplace?”

In another incident, one of my close relatives called on us with his family members a few months ago. He has two beautiful sweet children. He was lovingly teasing them,” We will leave you at this place.” His two years old younger daughter was taking his teasings right. The poor girl was totally nervous, and she desperately hugged her mother tightly. I intervened finally and lovingly forbade him not to tease children.
At another place, a grown up was entertaining himself by abusing a small child. The child was retorting in the same language.
Is it proper to tease lovely children and give them psychological shocks just for the pastime? Is it proper to punish an innocent looking child on small pretexts because one is carrying loads of frustration, tiredness, and depression from his workplace?
 Is it not the greatest sin of this world?

Sunday, June 7, 2015


I was going to Pondicherry by Yashwant-Pondecherry express on May 29th, 2015. The train was scheduled to depart at 9 P.M. from Yashwantpur. We started by taxi at 7 P.M. from our residence at Sarjapur Road. Two hours appeared more than sufficient. My elder son Adwitiya was managing all affairs.
 There was a heavy traffic jam near KR Puram. I became a little concerned but Adwitiya consoled," Once we cross KR Puram, the road will be clear. But due to heavy rain in the evening all the bikers were riding on their cars so there was heavy traffic jam in the whole road. Finally we reached Yashwantpur Railway Station at 9.10 p.m. and found that the train had departed right time. We had to travel by Bus and incur additionally 2000 bucks. (It is another thing that I immediately curtailed expenditure of 2000 bucks elsewhere)

 Later on I found on the internet that the train’s first stoppage was Banaswadi (Bangluru) at 9.25 PM. Banaswadi is nearer to Sarjapur than Yashwantpur. So we could have easily boarded the train at Banaswadi and avoided inconvenience of bus journey in sitting position.
I was supposed to scan my future environment earlier. Had I searched on Google earlier about the train's route, I would have known about Banaswadi and would have saved my money and inconvenience.
 I usually walk around my locality to find what is where? If I meet any new person, I try to find about his background beforehand. I keep myself abreast of all the developments taking place in my environment.
 But I failed miserably here because I thought," I am old enough now and my son will take care of all the affairs." Mr C.S.Lewis rightly told," You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015


  “Procrastination is the thief of time.”, The wise exhorted. 
 I too wrote an article," FINISH THE TASKS AT THE EARLIEST." and DRIVE PROCRASTINATION AND INDECISION AWAY FOREVER. But alas, I, too, became a victim of procrastination even then.

My mother was admitted, one by one, to three hospitals for the treatment of liver cancer, but Alas!  She succumbed at last.
 I was required to submit three medical claims which looked like a marathon task. 

I received all papers on the 13th April 2015. So I decided to finish it on the next Sunday, i.e., on April, 19th. But I was in a meeting on that day. So the next best day was chosen on the 26th April. Again I had some important work, so this work went on being procrastinated for more than one month altogether.
Once I was reading my article," INCH BY INCH, ANYTHING IS A CINCH." I decided to use this theory on the medical bills. I immediately opened the envelope, scanned the bills and segregated them hospital wise. I worked on them for half an hour. Next day, too, I spared around one hour to prepare the claims. Lo, the claims were ready for submission in mere three days.
We often procrastinate monotonous or tedious tasks for months and years altogether, but amazingly, we finish them soon after we start.
 Human beings are prone to forget. Therefore, I advocate reading good articles every day. Many devotees read religious books daily; they start re-reading them after coming to an end.
Start, therefore, inculcating good thoughts into healthy habits by repeatedly reading good articles every day from your lovely blog

Friday, May 1, 2015


Accidents ambush the unsuspecting, often violently.
- Andrew Davidson. 
My friend Abhay Jee was going downstairs in his brother in law’s house where he had visited thousands of times. Hence, he perceived no danger. Abhay Jee lost a little balance on the last stair.Lo! both his ankle's bones cracked; the poor fellow was confined to bed for three months.
My one more friend Anil Jee broke his leg while going downstairs in his own home.He suggests remaining more alert while going downstairs.

A good number of persons fall in their own bathrooms and get cracked hip-bones. My nephew fell in a pothole near his house and suffered seven stitches on his upper lip.
Therefore the slogan "Remain vigilant, keep safe." will keep you safe and sound at all places.  One Shayar wrote," न मुझे जितने की खुशी थी, न मुझे हारने का गम था, मगर अफ़सोस मेरी किश्ती वहां डूबी जहाँ पानी कम था। "  (I was neither pleased to win, nor depressed to lose. But, alas my boat capsized in shallow waters.) 
The need of the hour is to remain more alert in known places since any complacency and carelessness will cause large losses.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

अगर दिल खोलते यारों के साथ

सुना है कि एक हार्ट हॉस्पिटल के ऑपरेशन-कक्ष  पर लिखा था ," अगर दिल खोलते  यारों के साथ तो खुलवाना न पड़ता औजारों के साथ "

एक दिन मैं काफी परेशान था। उसी समय मेरे एक मित्र अपनी समस्या-समाधान हेतु मेरे कक्ष में आये। उनकी बातें धैर्यपुर्वक सुनकर मैंने उन्हें आश्वासन दिया,"कुछ महीनों में मैं आपकी समस्या  सुलझा दूँगा।"
 परन्तु वे अपनी समस्या का शीघ्र समाधान चाह रहे थे, यद्यपि मुझे अविलम्ब कोई हल नजर नहीं आ रहा था।
 मैंने उन्हें समझाने कि पुरजोर कोशिश की, लेकिन दुर्भाग्यवश वे अपनी बात पर अड़े रहे । अंत में मेरा धैर्य जवाब दे गया और मैं उनसे लड़ बैठा।
बाद में मुझे महसूस हुआ कि  अगर मैं परेशान न होता तो शायद मैं धैर्य एवम वाकपटुता के साथ उन्हें इन्तज़ार करने के लिये मना लेता। यदि प्रारम्भ में ही मैं उन्हें अपनी मनःस्थिति के बारे में बता देता तो शायद वे उस दिन अनावश्यक दबाब न देते और अप्रियता टल जाती।  
एक बार मोटरसाइकिल से गिरने के कारण मेरे पाँव के घुटनों में हलकी चोटें आ गईं। मैं घर पर आराम कर रहा था, तभी मेरे मित्र राजीव जी ने फोन किया। मेरी बातों में गर्मजोशी नहीं थी और आवाज भी थकी-थकी थी। उन्होंने अविलंब ताड़ लिया कि मैं परेशान हूँ। मैंने उन्हें दुर्घटना के बारे में बताया तो वे मीठी झिड़की देने लगे," आपने पहले क्यों नहीं बताया ?" पहले पता हो जाता तो मैं आपसे अपने काम के बारे में आज बात नहीं करता।" राजीव जी की सलाह अमल करने लायक है।
  यदि आपकी मनःस्थिति किसी कारणवश  ठीक नहीं हो तो आप अपने दोस्तों और परिवार के सदस्यों को बता दें ताकि वे आपको आराम करने दें  और मानसिक सम्बल दें।  

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Courtesies of a small and trivial character are the ones which strike deepest in the grateful and appreciating heart. - Henry Clay.

Short talks attract attention of friends,  they strengthen existing friendship and turn new acquaintances into close friends.  Short talks also pre-empt any lull in the conversation.
One needs to ask only friendly questions to make one's friend talk comfortably. There is no place for uncomfortable issues in this friendship development process.

Use a few words of genuine appreciation to please your friend; he will start talking in detail. The more you hear him, the more impressed your friend will become and the friendship becomes more and closer.
Following questions will be helpful in starting small talks.
1. What is your name?
2. How many kids do you have?
3. How are you?
4. How are your children and what are they doing?
5. What is your opinion on this topic?

Sunday, April 12, 2015


Once my junior colleague X got flustered with me and lightly snubbed me; my immediate reaction was to teach him a perfect lesson. But I refrained myself from overreacting.
  After cooling down, I realized'" I am only an average human being out of trillions of people residing on this small earth compared to the vast galaxy.This great universe neither starts from me nor ends with me."
 My colleague X is a nice gentleman; he had supported me on numerous occasions. However, he was nervous and restless on that particular day due to an acute connectivity problem. Naturally, he lost his self-control a little.Therefore I decided to give him moral support. I told my friend Y, who is a very supportive person, to accompany and support X as far as possible.
Next day I called on X in office and asked with affection,” How he is?” I sympathized with him for acute connectivity problem that ground everything to a halt yesterday. He replied with all courtesy and good will.
Earlier I used to make a scene in similar circumstances and tried to teach such persons a lesson so that others dare not misbehave with me. But now there was a paradigm shift that satisfied all concerned. 
My elder brother-in-law used to exclaim, “I became matured at 50, Uttam Jee will attain maturity at 60." I appear to have achieved it at 54 years itself. What a good news! Ha! Ha! Ha!
We don't extract our teeth for biting our tongue; we don't throw our bike if it stops working in the midway. Then why should we sour a good friendship for trivial matters?

Thursday, April 2, 2015


One is either left handed or right handed. The left-handers are guided by their right brains, and the right-handers are guided by their left brains. Thus both left handers and right handers use only 50% of their brain.
One of the founders of United States of America  Mr. Benjamin Franklin was also ambidextrous.
Sachin Tendulkar writes with the left hand but batted and bowled with the right hand. Saurabh Ganguli bowled from the right hand and batted from the left hand. Typists, knitters, musicians, etc. use their both hands with equal ease. I use both hands in my daily chores since I suffer from frozen left shoulder.
 My doctor told me that left frozen shoulder might have resulted from less use of left hand. Moreover using both hands simultaneously increases my efficiency also but I don't bother too much about being ambidextrous and do it in symphony with my psych and soul.

Friday, March 27, 2015


Money is the biggest motivator; therefore, the rich as well as poor, hanker after it.
 A porter asks for money just after rendering service. A laborer asks for it at the end of the day. The service class asks for money at the end of the month. The entrepreneur puts all his investments and efforts at stake without getting anything for the months and years altogether, but when his project starts yielding money, he becomes millionaire or billionaire.
 Thomas Edison incessantly worked to invent incandescent lamp for many years; he put all his intelligence and all his time to research like a crazy without getting anything. Although he failed thousands of times, when he succeeded in 1879, he gave us not only a priceless and unique gift but also made his name immortal. As an icing on the cake, he also earned a formidable fortune from his inventions and patents.
 How long and on how many occasions can we work without payment? The more we develop our capability to toil without it, the more name, the more fame and the more money will kiss our feet.
Start acting just now and save as much as possible to develop the capability to work without money. The habit of savings works two ways; it reduces your needs as well as strengthens your financial muscles incredibly.

Sunday, March 15, 2015


We take special care to protect working machines from overheating. We use coolant in our cars, bikes, and in our refrigerators, etc. Even we switch off our fans to save them from overheating and resultant damages
The same precaution is required to keep our minds calm and cool.
Greenery and flowers help to keep us poised and relaxed.

 Use natural coolants to achieve this vital goal.
i) Inhale deeply to give your mind lots of oxygen
ii) Drink water often
iii) Talk lightly sometimes to make your colleagues laugh.
iv) Take rests at regular intervals. You may take a short break to walk for a few minutes and also do a little stretching after working for an hour.

These simple tips will help you to keep your mind cool and in a good working condition.

Monday, February 9, 2015


We can improve our personality by adopting two methods, either by changing our thoughts or by changing our actions.
Recall the famous adage," Show a thought, reap an act; show an act, reap a habit; show a habit, reap a character; show a character, and reap your destiny."

 However, the thought processes are so subtle that one may not have complete control over them. Therefore, the wise exhorted to read good books and interact with optimists.

 But positive thinkers may not always be with us to protect us from the onslaught of negative thoughts.
 Negative thoughts bow our heads down before attacking us.
 Therefore, always hold your head high and keep your chest straight to stop the onslaught of negative thoughts. 
  Hold your head high to stop depressing thoughts.
Hold your head high to prevent absent-mindedness.
Hold your head high and fly in the sky of positivity.
The world has high regards for positive thinking and positive acting persons.

P.S. Holding your head high and chest straight, facilitates good posture, too, and wards off spondylitis, back pain, etc.

Monday, January 12, 2015


Once I was servicing my inverter. After finishing the job, I absentmindedly put the plug of the inverter into its power socket instead of putting the plug into the electric socket. When I put the inverter on, there was a kit-kit sound. I switched it off immediately.
Absent-mindedness continues to ride on our shoulders all the time. As soon as we go off guard, it blurs our eyes and highjacks our mind. So we need to be vigilant all the time to save ourselves from its mischief. Here are some time-tested ways to fight absent-mindedness.
1. Take enough rest and sleep.
2. Practice inhaling deeply.
3. Decide a place for putting a thing.
4. Write things down. Maintain a to-do list in black and white.
5. When you are introduced to a new person, repeat his name time and again.
6. Associate names with some peculiarity of a face.

7. Always keep in mind that absent-mindedness is riding on your shoulders all the time. It will blur your eyes and highjack your mind, as soon as you go off guard.

Sunday, January 4, 2015



                            ---- ELEANOR ROOSEVELT.

One of my best friends took following dig on the New Year,"
Don't get much excited; only the calendar has changed, your wife and job are the same."
 Some of us take new resolutions on the New Year. However, many of them never materialize, since we break them soon and wait for another new year to make new ones.

 Welcome, every day as a New Year day. Greet people enthusiastically every day.  Put your best every day. Make new resolutions every day and work wholeheartedly for their materialization.

  Don't get discouraged,  if some of your resolutions don't materialize;
 make new ones promptly.
 Every day is unique; make every day as exciting as a New Year day.
 Every day is a blessing bestowed upon us by Almighty. Treat yourself fortunate since you are enjoying funs and excitements of today. Many of us were not so blessed and breathed their last yesternight.
 We don't know about tomorrow; neither have we any control over it.
 Enjoy and exploit every moment of today. Well utilized today will make your past glorious and your tomorrows safe.