Unreasonable haste is the direct road to error.
--- Moliere.
Once robbers shot at my one staff member, I rushed to the emergency ward of Patna Medical College and Hospital to look after him. My wife called there to inform that an acquaintance was asking for our car. I allowed after initial hesitation, but alas! Next day, the car was returned in a terrible condition.
I was searching a good engineering college for my son. One of my friends was also worried about his daughter's admission. He informed me one day about an engineering college and asked expectantly,"Whether I, too, wanted to jump on the bandwagon." I asked for a little time to consider the pros and cons, but he coaxed me to fire, " Yes or no" immediately since the cunning broker was insisting on a quick decision. I said yes to find later on that the college was useless. Even my friend rejected that rotten college. But, in the meanwhile, we coughed out a few thousand bucks.
The ploy of a cheater is to force you to decide quickly; don't fall prey to it and take sufficient time for exploring all alternatives even by making alibis. The author of 'Rich Dad Poor Dad,' Robert Kiyosaki advocated taking time for consulting your business partner, although it may be your cat.
Always fire an emphatic, unequivocal and polite 'NO,' if anybody forces you to reply immediately.
You may say yes anytime after telling 'NO' without losing your credibility. But once you reply in affirmative, it is too tough to say 'NO' later and keep your credibility intact.
Hasty decisions are often wrong. Therefore, by avoiding quick decisions, you will save yourself from losses most of the times.